Get Paid Cash For Surveys : Let Cost Per Action Programs Help You Make Money Online Fast! - If you are reading this, you are probably trying to learn a way to generate money online. There are several ways to go about it: affiliate marketing, cost for each action (CPA), pay per click marketing (PPC) and even setting up your own online business selling products that you produce. It may not be the piece of cake that you thought it was to produce money online, despite all the gurus telling you how cool it is. I would tell you right now that zero friction marketing is the easiest. First, we examine the problems with affiliate marketing, which constitutes the bulk of how you make money online. The method is easy: get traffic, they click on your affiliate link, and if they purchase the product, you will make commissions. Getting the traffic is quite tough if you do not know the tricks, but can be managed over time once you get the experience. However, you cannot control your traffic into taking out their card and click the PAY NOW button. This difficulty is what I call the friction that stops your customers from binging you commissions. You may have the traffic and a wonderful sales sheet that can attract even the most stubborn people, but at the end of the day, it is whether they are willing to take out their credit card and part with some of their hard earned money. Our quest is to eliminate this friction so that we can make commissions more reliably. If we can discover a way to allow our customers to try out precuts or services without having to pay, or jus ... [Read More - Get Paid Cash For Surveys]
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